Toplightco UK Track
We have four different types of HV (High Voltage) Track HV1 Circuit, HV3 Circuit, HV Easytec (Silver-Grey) and HV Easytec (Black). So what's the difference?
Briefly HV 1-Circuit fits directly to the ceiling and the lighting fittings slot into the Track. All the fittings on a length of track switch off and on at the same time.
HV 3-Circuit is the same as above with one important difference - the 3 Circuit refers to the feature that enables you to have up to three separate circuits on each run of track so that you can switch 3 groups of light fixtures on and off at different times.
HV Easytec (Silver-Grey and Black) is different to the above in that it is suspended from the ceiling rather than attached to it and has various different types of suspension arms to deal sloping ceilings and other similar situations.
Our LV Wire Track Lighting system is incredibly versatile and can span wide areas, go round corners, attach to wall or ceiling and is a very competent all-rounder.